Tag Archives: Comedy

Man Impersonates T-Rex, Dinosaur Comedy Ensues

“When I grow up, I want to be a dinosaur.” Seldom have young children spoken truer words, especially amongst the little boys. Then time moves on, and reality sets in. Excluding for Ken Ham and his followers, who believe that humans and dinosaurs literally lived together before a Flood of biblical proportions struck. For the rest of the folks in the world, dinosaurs may only be seen in things like books, movies and museums. But the undeniable fact remains: Dinosaurs were the best things before sliced bread. Since then, other impressive things have come to pass. Like YouTube: Entertainer, educator, and collector of fools. And so one young boy, now a grown man, finally gets to live out his childhood dream of being a Tyrannosaurus rex and sharing it with the world. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then impersonation is a shady form of comedy. A drama ...

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Exploding Sewage Truck in Moscow: When You’ve Got to Go, You’ve Got to Go

Drivers in Moscow were subjected to more than a proverbial crap-storm when a sewage tanker burst. Traffic in Russia can be more than a little crazy. In fact Moscow often can be constipated with traffic, but this took things more to the level of a very bad case of diarrhoea. Fortunately, maybe, thanks to power of a dashboard cam, it was all caught on film. Not only did things really hit the fan, the explosion managed to spray the vehicles on either side of the tanker. And in what could be the worst of all kinds of toilet splash-back, while the white 4WD in the city may never really get off-road, that’s not spray-on mud to boost the owner’s ego.

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It’s Official: Budgie Smugglers Enters the Dictionary

Use a slang or colloquial term enough, maybe it’ll go mainstream. Then if that happens, it could become a proper word, so to speak, officially recognised by dictionaries. At which point, those who originally used it will probably stop using it, even as the rest of the population hitches a ride on the bandwagon. Thumbing through it like the secret thesaurus of a cunning linguist. This has now happened for the phrase-cum-word “budgie smugglers” which has been in use in Australia since roughly the 1990s, being officially recognised and included in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) as a sub-entry in the new words list June 2016. With budgie smugglers now officially in the dictionary, as opposed to the dictionary being in the budgie smugglers (usually sneakily so around aquatic spelling bees), it doesn’t take much to define that it could be somewhat disturbing. Whether it has something to do with ...

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Hillary Clinton Nods so Much, she gets Turned into a Bobblehead Doll

It’s more than a figurative nod to Hillary Clinton and her nodding ways. Collectibles toymaker Royal Bobbles have taken the literal approach and created a Hillary Clinton bobblehead doll. Both the politician and doll will probably take it on the chin. Then nod back and forth in almost hypnotic agreement. The nodding action which inspired the Hillary Clinton bobblehead doll, has been videoed numerous times. On the campaign trail in America, seemingly its occurrence is more regular than clockwork, Old Faithful, or a patriotic US pensioner on a steady diet of prunes. Whether Hillary is over-coached and overplaying a body language indicator of interest, genuinely agrees with what is being said, or is in the process of microsleeps, her head nods back and forth all the same regardless. It’s the prefect inspiration for a bobblehead doll, and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness. ...

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How much does Christopher Pyne remind you of Mr Squiggle?

Politics delivers its fair share of laughs, in a tears of a clown kind of way. Where the big red button doesn’t make it stop, instead it’s probably going to make a honking sound and be on the nose. Australian politics is no different in that regard. A look at the names of the electorates is usually enough to start shaping some form of balloon animal. From Corangamite, which could be a challengingly cheap, and surprisingly red, alternative to Vegemite. Possibly sold by Aldi, but only if people look hard enough. To Grayndler, which in modern times isn’t hard to mistake for some sort of poling app. Then there’s the dynamic trio of Batman, Bruce, and the almost misleading Hotham. It doesn’t take the world’s greatest detective to deduce that Wayne Enterprises made some very significant political donations in the state of Victoria. The joke would be on the conspiracy ...

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Deadpool Delivers Australia Day Message

In an attempt at the fourth wall breaking characteristic of the Deadpool character, actor Ryan Reynolds has delivered a special Australia Day message to promote the release of the forthcoming Deadpool movie. “Seriously, I’d fit right in with your proud nation with its shady criminal past, and it’s predilection for black-out drinking and unrelenting condescension towards New Zealand,” says Deadpool. However, Deadpool has one problem, and that’s Australia giving the world X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009). Because it’s Deadpool, be warned, there is profanity in the video below: Whether the Deadpool (2016) movie actually delivers, fans will find out when the film premieres 11 February. Who knows, it could be a second career low for the antihero… While it may be intended as a reboot, there has already been the equivalent of Barakapool minus the mouth, and 20th Century Fox Films also gave the world the Fantastic Four (2015) film, a ...

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Kanye West to Run for President in 2020

At the 2015 VMAs, Kanye West has announced he’ll be running for President of the United States in 2020. Fortunately Kanye West managed to keep his ego in check, and only announced that he decided to run for President in 2020 in his VMA speech. The former, more arrogant, Kanye simply would’ve commanded that he will be President in 2020. Likely he used his rant and the date to spruik his superior vision. Foresight that is. Kanye West doesn’t look back. With his time in the White House almost up, maybe Obama will go on to launch a similarly successful rap and hip hop music career? It’ll be like looking in the mirror, and all part of the Kanye logic. Some may be wondering what political party Kanye will side with: Democrats or Republican? Clearly they have it all wrong. Kanye West sides with no party. He is the party. ...

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Can Donald Trump The Cheese Wheel?

For a time all has been quiet in the cheese cave. Watching things in the world of cheese slowly mature. Quietly awaiting a celebrity of such undeniable cheesiness, that there’s no choice but to emerge and boldly ask: If they were a type of cheese, what would they be? At long last, such a celebrity has finally proven themselves to have exceptionally cheese-worthy status: Donald J. Trump Looking down on New York from Trump Tower, Donald Trump prepares to save America from aliens, the mandarins, and anything else lacking in greatness. He’s like Tony Stark: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. But with better hair. And a trump card in showmanship. What kind of an ace in the hole he is for the GOP, will have to wait until that hand is played. Some polls seem to favour him; but then some pols did also initially favour Hitler. Donald Trump. The Donald. ...

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The Six Most Annoying Types of People at Concerts

Concerts and live music can be fantastic. The sense of not just listening to the music, but being there. Experiencing it. Feeling the music. Although the crowds and characters will vary with the style of music and concerts, there are bound to be the certain few which annoy. There could be more, but here are the six most annoying types of people at concerts: The Taller It’s not really this person’s fault. They were born that way. Quite simply, they’re tall. They’re also probably a male. And more to the point, not only are they tall – more specifically – they are taller than you. The Taller, somehow, also almost always manages to stand directly right in front of you. Like gravity, they’re almost always there, eclipsing the show. And somehow all you can do is futilely attempt to circle around them. The stage and band are the dark side ...

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10 Reasons Why Taylor Swift Got Royalties Out Of Apple

Like any good peddler of a potentially addictive substance, Apple wants people hooked on the products it’s pushing. And the number one rule of hustling is to create your own demand. In Apple’s case, it’s giving people three months of free samples, make that a three month free trial of the Apple Music streaming service. Normally this would cost $9.99 per month, but: “Come on. Try it. It’s free. Try it. Just once…” Problem was, since it’s giving this away, it didn’t want to pay the artists or record labels for streaming their music either. Naturally a hustler can’t annoy its own supplier. Enter Taylor Swift’s blog entry To Apple, Love Taylor and problem solved. Apple will now be forking out the cash to the owners of the music during the free trial period. Taylor Swift, is there anything she can’t do? Before such a question warrants a reply, here’s ...

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